Monday, July 29, 2019

We're On A Role With Club Socialites 💃

Club Socialites Five ðŸ’ƒ

Yes! We're on the role with Club Socialites. We are bringing the most loveliest of ladies. As we say together, "We're on a role", we're very happy to say. Subscription forms and Membership applications will complete the enrollment for Club Socialites. We have so much to do within our busy agenda, and a lot of time to everything get organized for what we've invested in Club Socialites. With a lot of prayer and patience. Club Socialites will be the most successful and the most conglomerate social club in our community, as well as our society. GOD and his son JESUS are with us all the way. For all of our VIP Members so far, "Welcome to Club Socialites."

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Socialites Social Club Here We Come 💃

Club Socialites Four 💃

We've gotten our notes prepared and we're ready to get Club Socialites on the road with active potential VIP members. Guiding them through each and every step will present their pledge to Club Socialites with success beyond our belief. Grace will guide us with prosperity, faith, trust, hope, belief and dignity in anything we do to provide a positive atmosphere for our VIP members to enjoy. We're looking for at least one year, or five years active with Club Socialites.  We would rather have five years active to insure our level of success as we continue building up Club Socialites to its conglomerate and the most prominent social club ever. All it will take is getting those potential VIP members to join to become part of something so spectacular.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Preparations For Getting Club Socialites In Motion💃

Club Socialites Three 💃

We're going to be working on a new method in getting potentially active new VIP members involved in becoming a part of Club Socialites. It will be a very difficult task...being that we're trying to get new members to become actual members of our social club. With doing just that, it's going to take a lot of wisdom and total positivity, and the grace of GOD and his son JESUS to actually get people to join. This is why we're designing fliers to accommodate that cause to bring in our new members to Club Socialites. Once we get our flier, then comes our membership applications for our potential new VIP members to apply with their $20.00 subscription. That is what it's going to take to keep Club Socialites running smoothly. Subscription forms must also be filled out to determine the actual length of potential VIP members of our social club. An oath is also considered on our subscription form. Sherri and I are hoping to get things in order very soon with Club Socialites with a lot of wisdom and prayer.